Tips to make your Preschool day run smoothly
This list of guidelines can be applied to any age, but they’re especially important for younger kids. Set yourself (and your kiddos) up for a successful school day using these tips.
Yes You CAN Teach Preschool at Home
Have you been seriously thinking about teaching preschool at home, but are worried you don't have what it takes? I'm here to encourage you and tell you...Yes, you can teach preschool at home! You only need a few things to make it happen.
Preschool at Home: Free Online Resources
You don't have to be a trained teacher to help your child learn the basics that will set him/her up for success in kindergarten. There are many free resources available to help you on this journey.
Eight Different Styles of Teaching Preschool at Home
Check out the following links to see a variety of ways that parents (and amazing bloggers) are making preschool at home work for them and their children.
Our Homeschool Preschool Routine
This is the homeschool preschool routine we have found successful for us. We don't follow a rigid time structure (schedule), we just go with the flow, but each morning that we do preschool follows a similar pattern (routine).