Spark and Pook Review "Happy" by Pharrell Williams

Grammy award winning artist Pharrell Williams has turned his hit song "Happy" from Despicable Me 2 into a delightful picture book for kids of all ages. If you've seen the movie, or if you listen to pop music, then you've heard the song, "Happy." The lyrics from the song provide the text for this children's book. The illustrations are made up of photographs of children (of a variety of ages and ethnicities) jumping, dancing and being silly in of Happy by Pharrell WilliamsI don't know about you, but I can't help but be happy when I hear that song.  This book has had the same effect on me. Seeing all those happy children, and reading the joyful lyrics just brings a smile to my face and my heart.When I first read this book to my almost-four-year-old daughter, I tried to speak it instead of sing it (since I can't carry a tune to save my life.) It made for an awkward read-aloud, so I switched to singing the lyrics to the tune of the song, and we enjoyed it much more (despite my terrible off-key singing).  In fact, my daughter immediately insisted I read it again and again.  That is rare for her to do.Even if you don't know Pharrell Williams' song, you can, of course, still enjoy this uplifting book. I recommend familiarizing yourself with the song so you can enjoy the book to a fuller extent.[bctt tweet="I believe this picture book has staying power, and that my daughter won't outgrow it."]I struggle to put an age recommendation on this book, since I really think kids of all ages can find something to enjoy within its pages. Due to the fun-loving pictures and the upbeat "can't get me down" message, Spark and Pook give this book two thumbs up.If you're not convinced yet that you need a copy of this children's book in your collection,  just read this excerpt from the inspirational message from Pharrell at the end of the book about being Happy Helpers and finding ways to bring happiness to others in the world.

"How do you feel when you make someone smile? It's the best feeling ever, right? I believe it's everyone's responsibility to bring more laughter into the world. Use your imagination to figure out new ways to make others smile."

This book was chosen to be part of the Penguin Young Readers 12 Days of Picture Books 2015 Sweepstakes.  To enter for a chance at your free copy of a great picture book, visit the Penguin Kids Facebook page.Watch for Spark and Pook reviews of Little Tree by Loren Long, The Book with No Pictures by B.J. Novak, and Llama Llama Gram and Grandpa by Anna Dewdney. as we continue the 2015 12 Days of Picture Books.

Please note: I was given a copy of this picture book in exchange for an honest review.

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